2022-06-16 13:55:39

Torsos only: why sex dolls are leaving us wanting more

Silicone vs. TPE
There are two main varieties of sex dolls on today’s market, both of which are made from high-quality materials: silicone and thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). It is difficult to tell them apart by just looking at them. Many sex doll vendors try to pass off their products as silicone dolls when they are actually TPE. They do so in order to make it easier for consumers to search for them online. This guide will help you be sure you're buying a silicone doll, not a TPE one that could be potentially harmful or toxic to your health. Remember: A true silicone doll won't break down over time like a TPE one might.

Cheap vs. Expensive
The most important thing to remember when considering sex doll torsos is that you get what you pay for. On one end of the spectrum, there are some pretty cheap torsos out there made from porous materials like rubber and plastic. These will be much less durable than silicone or other high-quality materials, and they may not feel or look realistic either. On the opposite end of things, high-end sex dolls use hypoallergenic materials such as silicone or metal that feel realistic to touch and can even be warm or cold to match body temperature (and many can now talk). The more expensive dolls also have sophisticated weight systems inside their bodies that make it easier for them to move without falling over in different positions.

Male vs. Female Parts
Male and female sex dolls are constructed differently, of course, but it’s important to note that male parts don’t always have a direct female equivalent. A woman doesn’t necessarily need everything to be perfect. While many women might enjoy a pair of perfectly sculpted breasts on their doll, not all do. In fact, there are quite a few features that may be completely unimportant to you in your new partner or partner(s). You know what feels good and what turns you on.

Where can I buy them online?
The best place to buy sex doll torsos is from a manufacturer. Not only will you get a better price, but you can expect much more quality than if you were to buy directly from China. This is for two reasons. First, ordering directly from China requires going through quite a few middlemen and translates into higher prices. Second, Chinese factories tend to target specific customers, i.e., brothels and pornographic films. As such, they don't make as high of quality as a company that makes sex dolls as well; they typically have cheaper materials used in production and don't go out of their way to produce good seams on things like hands or feet.


カテゴリ:torso sex dolls sex doll 
  • 名前:hydoll
  • ニックネーム:hydoll
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:無回答
  • 誕生日:0000-00-00
  • 血液型:無回答
  • 投資歴:無回答