2022-06-25 16:24:22

Why Everyone is Falling in Love with Mini Love Dolls

Get her ready for your arrival.

You've been waiting all day for this moment. Your mini love dolls have been waiting, too. It's time to get her ready for your arrival! First, she needs to be bathed and groomed. Then you can cut out a few petticoats (or maybe go-go boots) and lace up her corset; it should be snug but not so tight that it restricts breathing or movement. Don't forget accessories! Hair ribbons and necklaces are always nice touches—and don't forget the perfume: even if she doesn't have any pores, use some anyway! You know what they say about practice making perfect...

Warm her up before you get busy.

It's important to warm her up before you get busy. If you're planning on using her, start with a warm bath. The water should be room temperature, not hot or cold. Once she's soaked for 10 minutes, gently dry her off and get ready for the next step: warming her with a towel. Use a very light touch when patting down her skin; don't press too hard or rub vigorously—there are many sensitive areas on these mini love dolls that can be easily damaged by rough handling.

Finally, wrap your doll in blankets or put her under the covers so she can keep warm while you're getting ready for bed (or whatever).

Talk to the mini love dolls.

The next step is to talk to the doll. This can be done by talking to her directly, or by writing down what you want to say and then reading it back to her. In either case, try not to limit yourself in terms of what you say or ask your doll. Tell her about your day, tell her about your favorite foods, ask questions and answer them yourself!

The important thing here is that you communicate with the mini love dolls in some way every day. Even if it's just a quick "hello" followed by some small talk before leaving for work, this will help keep things going smoothly between you two later on when she needs more attention than usual (which will happen often).

カテゴリ:mini love dolls sex doll 
  • 名前:hydoll
  • ニックネーム:hydoll
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:無回答
  • 誕生日:0000-00-00
  • 血液型:無回答
  • 投資歴:無回答